I will post this picture as an ode to Wen. Our former labmate who has completed his Postdoctoral position at Brookhaven National Laboratory(
BNL.gov) wasn't there this time for our experimenting at the National Synchrotron Light Source (
NSLS) @ beamline X7B (XRD). We will miss our host as he has gone back to his native land to work with the Shanghai Synchrotron that is being completed over in China.
Pictured from left to right - Brian Hult, Chris Allen, Dr. Wen Wen, and Dr. Jonathan Hanson [BNL Chemistry Staff and NSLS X7B Host])

Our research group is currently testing newly synthesized cathode materials for use in Lithium Ion Battery (LIB) applications. Pictured to the left is our pair of Arbin Battery Cyclers as they are setup on our research excursion to the NSLS.

To the left you will see how we position our
in-situ LIB cells such that we can collect x-ray diffraction data from the cells at different states of charge (SOC). The incident x-ray beam is coming from the left to right in this picture, the beam comes out of a guide (tube) below the red LED towards the upper center of the picture.

To the left you will see the circular black body, which is the XRD detector for the beamline. The incident beam will hit the sample and diffract the x-rays at discrete angles which correlate to the planes within the crystal lattices of the sample and will be absorbed by the element in detector which will later be scanned (similar to a traditional photographic plate) and then converted to a typical abs. vs. 2 theta angle XRD spectra by integrating the image.
Stay TUNED for more!
If you are interesting in knowing more, please leave us a post with your email address!
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